Tuesday, May 2, 2017

‘Why I Am Relocating Synagogue To Israel’ – TB Joshua

The General Overseer of Synagogue Church of all Nations (SCOAN), Prophet T.B. Joshua has declared his intention relocate his ministry to Israel.
He disclosed this while speaking on Sunday, April 30, 2017, that he had just returned from the ‘Holy Land’ after holding meetings with three prominent Israeli mayors of Jerusalem, Tiberias and the Jordan Valley.
TB Joshua said Israel offered him both land and facilities in an area around the biblical site of the Sea of Galilee for the Nigerian Pastor to organise meetings for international pilgrims.
“This is where my Father in Heaven came from – it’s non-negotiable,” Joshua explained, adding it was not a decision he undertook lightly.
“It’s the best place for you to meet Prophet T.B. Joshua. After your healing, blessing and deliverance, you can move around all the spiritual monuments which will establish your faith,” he clarified.
Joshua said his decision to leave was not connected to the “persecution” he endured during his ministry.


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